Time for the Web to Change. - "A plan to radically alter how all of us live and work on the web." Tim Berners-Lee @fastcompany @Katrinabrooker #in @2plan22 @guardian @ZoeCorbyn
Tuesday, 02 October 2018
"Having invented the Web in 1989 while working at CERN and subsequently to ensure it was made freely available to all, Berners-Lee is now dedicated to enhancing and protecting the web’s future. He is a Founding Director of the World Wide Web Foundation, which seeks to ensure the web serves humanity by establishing it as a global public good and a basic right. He is also Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, a global web standards organisation he founded in 1994 to lead the web to its full potential. In 2012 he co-founded the Open Data Institute (ODI) which advocates for Open Data in the UK and globally." - link
Fast Company's Katrina Brooker writes (29 Sep 2018), "Berners-Lee and other internet activists have been dreaming of a digital utopia where individuals control their own data and the internet remains free and open."
“We have to do it now,” he says, displaying an intensity and urgency that is uncharacteristic for this soft-spoken academic. “It’s a historical moment.” Ever since revelations emerged that Facebook had allowed people’s data to be misused by political operatives, Berners-Lee has felt an imperative to get this digital idyll into the real world. In a post published this weekend, Berners-Lee explains that he is taking a sabbatical from MIT to work full time on Inrupt. The company will be the first major commercial venture built off of Solid, a decentralized web platform he and others at MIT have spent years building."
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There is a good chance that the Web will indeed re-morph into its intended design for us all.
Zoë Corbyn's September 8th article, Decentralisation: the next big step for the world wide web, in The Guardian explains the context for Berners-Lee's sense of urgency. Click this image link to her article.
Be secure, safe and private, out there on the Web!