Future Women - excited to go to the #hayliteraturefestival and @BradfordLitFest #in

A group of Bradford pupils visit the Hay Festival  for the first time "as part of an exchange programme with the Bradford Literature Festival" .

They gleefully give their review.

"I'm looking forward to (The Hay Festival) because I'm going to know what is outside of Bradford, going to a different place."

There is hope.

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#NLLD18 | 7 & 8 May Washington DC - Library Advovates Be there! #AmericaNeedsLibraries #FundLibraries #in #fb @goRCLS @NYLA_1890 @ALALibrary

 New York Delegates are moving in on Washington DC for National Library Legislative Day (NLLD) #NLLD18, this Monday, May 7 for their briefings in preparation for visits to their legislators on Tuesday 8 May.
Over 500 delegates from all over the country, representing every State will be in Washington DC meeting legislators. The New York delegation is 25 strong, from every region of the State representing every type of library.
You can help with our advocacy efforts by contacting our Senators and the Representative(s) from your district using ALA's Legislative Action Center. Please take the time to let our legislators know how important libraries are to your communities. You can register to join our advocacy efforts.
from @ALALibrary tweet

Information about issues we will be advocating for are available in two briefing documents - Appropriation Brief and the Broadband Brief.

Here is access to the documents that delegates will be leaving behind with our legislators - the Congressional Federal Funding and the Broadband white papers. (these open in SmarterMail for ease of download)
Please make an effort to contact our legislators!Here is the link again: National Library Legislative Day

Advocacy really DOES makes a difference! Here's the link to the ALA Page.

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musings 1

Click on it...


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American Teachers are asking for Money to Fund Material for Their Classrooms @DonorsChoose @StephenAtHome @GwynethPaltrow #in #fb @AAEteachers

In case you haven't heard have teamed up with to help teachers all across the US teach our children with actual teaching materials like books and computers. The product descriptions alone are worth a look! (from @2plan22 on Twitter)

Ms. Paltrow's goop line slides in somewhere between complete hokum and wily marketing all the while targeting people who have more money than they know what to do with. I laugh every time I see her on The Late Show, never sure if it's all just a big spoof. 

Stephen Colbert has a heart even larger than his sense of humour.  We just watched his piece on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, advertising his partnership with DonorsChoose.org under the aegis of Covetton House -  his fabulously produced send-up of Paltrows's  GOOP site - to fund teachers all across the US to buy materials and equipment for their classes ("WHY is this even a thing!!???)

Here is the goop x Covetton blurb:

"The manifestation of Covetton House founder & CEO Stephen Colbert and goop founder & CEO Gwyneth Paltrow’s divine purpose on earth, this three-piece limited edition collection came to the duo during their weekly sacral-chakra steaming session. A study in subtle maximalism and real-world mysticism, it's intended for novice shamans, or really anyone with $$$ to spare. 52% of the purchase price (that's 100% of the proceeds) from the goop x Covetton House capsule collection will go to DonorsChoose.org."

SoftboundReincarnatedForestIf you make people laugh you can make them remember what you've told them and these two people are masters.  Visit "goop x Covetton" link to read about their partnership and the percentage of the proceeds that go to donorschoose.org .  We'll go directly to donorschoose so all the money will go to a cause we choose and forego ownership of  the "Softbound Reincarnated Forest Notebook" and keep our "Incoherent Ramblings" quiet.

I can hear Stephen's 'voice' in this product description but maybe I'm projecting. At any rate, it makes me laugh and I remember the message and hey, we all need a laugh:

"Softbound Reincarnated Forest


This Softbound Reincarnated Forest is part of (and the sole item in) our elite Dreams2Paper Unity Collection. Use it to turn your deepest desires into words and your deepest words into lists or even paragraphs. This bespoke, mass-manufactured collection of sequential scrolls is designed by leading spiritual stationery artisans to gently coax the words from your heart, via your chakra or something."

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National Library Legislative Day. Step up, be seen & heard. Sharpen your Avocacy Skills. #NLLD18 @ALALib @GOrcls #fb #in

Get your Library Advocacy ON!

Join us in Washington DC at the Liaison Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Tell your legislators what you really think.


from ALA









National Library Legislative Day is a two-day advocacy event held in Washington, D.C. every year.

Day 1: Training:

Attendees spend one day learning effective advocacy techniques and learning about key library issues, like funding or net neutrality, and have the opportunity to attend a reception on Capitol Hill.

Day 2: Doing

Then ... Armed with talking points, attendees spend day two with their state delegations, meeting with elected officials and telling them about the importance of libraries in their communities.


Q.:Who goes to Washington for National Library Legislative Day?

A.: Everyone who cares about library funding.

This event is open to the public and anyone who wants to support libraries is welcome to attend. Whether you've been advocating for two days or twenty years, you have something important to contribute. But sign up soon - we have a limited amount of space each year and it fills up quickly!


Visit the event page to register online. Registration this year is $75 and includes a continental breakfast, entry into a reception held on Capitol Hill, and a folder full of briefing materials, talking points, and information.

To learn more about the event, check out our FAQ page or reach out to Lisa Lindle at [email protected] if you have any questions!


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Chicago Invests in the Future - Embeds Libraries into Housing Projects @chipublib @theCHAtweets #fb #in @chicagosmayor

ChiLinHsngIntveChicago PL pushes boundary of "Library Commons".

Chicago Housing Authority & Chicago Public Library Partner Up, Bring Mixed-Income Housing and Libraries Together

The City of Chicago is "beginning of construction on three innovative co-located housing and library developments being built across the city. (Beginning with the) Taylor Street Apartments and Roosevelt Branch Library, with construction also getting underway at two co-located developments in the West Ridge and Irving Park communities. Mayor Emanuel announced that plans will continue for two additional CPL branches using creative interagency partnerships — one in the CHA’s Altgeld Gardens community and a new branch in the West Loop to serve its rapidly growing community. IndepAptsLib

“Libraries serve as community anchors, making knowledge and learning accessible for everyone,” said CPL Commissioner Brian Bannon. “The new co-located libraries will help to sustain strong neighborhoods, and provide a place for all community residents to gather, share and succeed.”

“This project bringing together housing with a neighborhood library will be paramount for our community,” said Alderman Jason Ervin, 28th Ward. “This investment shows our residents that no matter what your income is or what neighborhood you live in, if you call Chicago home you should have a range of housing options to choose from.”

TaylorRoosChi"Over the past six years, Chicago Public Library has witnessed one of the largest capital investments in recent history. Through City investment and innovative partnerships, the Library has seen over $200 million of new capital projects and investments in the people and programs that activate our community anchors. By the end of 2018, we will have 11 new library buildings and 14 additional locations with major renovations and expansions. Embedded in these locations and other locations citywide is our innovative way to serve children and teens. CPL will have added new early learning play spaces at 28 locations and new teen spaces at 19 locations."

Source: Mayor Emanuel and City Officials Break Ground on Innovative Branch Library Projects

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Restore NY State Aid to Libraries & Library Systems - NYLA Advocacy Day, Albany NY, 28 February. @GOrcls @NYLA_1890 #fb #in

2018_NYGovFundCutsWe need your help to get our legislators to restore State Aid to libraries and library systems that the Governor proposed cutting in his 2018-2019 Executive Budget.

If you are able, please join us for New York Library Association (NYLA) Library Advocacy Day in Albany on Wednesday, February 28. Here is the link to the flyer with all of the information you need about motorcoach pickup locations and departure times.

Here is the link to register to join our delegation.

If you are unable to attend in person contact your legislator using NYLA's Online Advocacy Center. It is easy use and an effective way to let your legislators know you care about libraries and want them to support State Aid for libraries and library systems.


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Eleanor Roosevelt - we need you and our wisdom now: exerpt from 'Dear Miss Breed' by @JFOppenheim, @PacificAviation #in #fb #pearlharbor

Dear MBreedWe are blessed with the friendship of a good woman - who is also an accomplished author - Joanne Oppenheim of 'Dear Miss Breed' and 'The Knish War on Rivington Street' fame.

She and I share a passion for all things Eleanor Roosevelt and hold in high esteem E.R.'s life example. We also understand, more with each passing day, the import and effect of her words in the context of today's global political and cultural mileau.

Today, on her site, Joanne posted a 'A Clipping from Dear Miss Breed's Papers'  - I agree, we need Eleanor and her fearless courage today.

This is a screen grab from Joanne's site of E.R.'s clipping, shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, 7 Dec., 1941, from My Day, a Syndicated newspaper column by Eleanor Roosevelt 1935 through 1962:

MissBreed JOsSite

This is the text:

“… the great mass of our people, stemming from these various national ties, must not feel that they have suddenly ceased to be Americans.

 “This is, perhaps, the greatest test this country has ever met.  Perhaps it is the test which is going to show whether the United States can furnish a pattern for the rest of the world for the future.  Our citizens come from all the nations of the world.  Some of us have said from time to time, that we were the only proof that different nationalities could live together in peace and understanding, each bringing his own contribution, different though it may be, to the final unity which is the United States…Perhaps, on us today, lies the obligation to prove that such a vision may be a practical possibility. 

 “If we can not meet the challenge of fairness to our citizens of every nationality, of really believing in the Bill of Rights and making it a reality for all loyal American citizens, regardless of race, creed or color; if we can not keep in check anti-Semitism, anti-racial feelings as well as anti-religious feelings, then we shall have removed from the world, the one real hope for the future on which all humanity must now rely.”                                               -E.R.

You can visit Ms. Oppenheim's site to read the post yourself here.

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Librarians be inspired. Architect Carina Guedes, teaches women that they can design their own houses @WACommunity #in #fb @solslib @GOrcls

Librarians planning your new library or addition, take note.

You can do anything you want to do.

Brasil Women House2

A story to inspire you.

Camila Silva reports in worldarchitecture.org about an exciting program "created by the architect Carina Guedes. Named Arquitetura na Periferia , the program teaches women (that they) can design their houses by themselves."

The idea was born from Carina's master's thesis in collaboration with her advisor and the research group MOM (Morar de Outras Maneiras).

This account is taken from this link at worldarchitecture.org

(a team working in) A social project in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, has taught low-income women how to renovate or extend their homes without the assistance of a professional. Brasil Women MakeHouse1

In a country where the most economically vulnerable population sees self-construction as the only alternative, the results of this initiative do more than increasing (sic) the housing quality: the project changes how these women envision life by itself.

Through a process where the groups of women are (introduced and taught) the practices/techniques of project design and planning, (with) technical assistance for the improvement of housing, (the women) ... (are) able to conduct the construction (of their homes) with autonomy and without waste."

According to an interview given to Catraca Livre, the participant Ana Paula affirms that her vision of the world has changed. "Today I look at things and people in a different way. For example, I look at people knowing that any of us can do anything we want". (my emphasis) 




  Brasil Women House3

Here are further links to this encouraging story:

Projeto em BH ensina mulheres periféricas a reformar suas casas

Abrace o Brasil - Abrace o Brasil


Arquitetura na Periferia - Home | Facebook




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ALA strenuously opposes FCC proposed order on net neutrality @AjitPaiFCC @ALALibrary @NYLA_1890 @GOrcls #fb #in @aclu #netneutrality @battleforthenet

ACLU NetNtrlty
from @ACLU

This excerpt is from a draft document - Net Neutrality - An Intellectual Freedom Issue being developed by the Net Neutrality Working Group under the auspices of the American Library Association (ALA) Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC). I am honored to be a member of this Working Group. I will keep tracking this issue and let you know when and how best to help us protect net neutrality.

"Net neutrality is the First Amendment of the digital realm. It guarantees the right to distribute and receive ideas without limitations via the Internet. It ensures that Internet providers make their services available to the public without discrimination. Without the protection of net neutrality, tiered access limits diversity, blocks ideas and opinions. Additionally, it creates an internet in which only the companies who can afford to pay more for prioritized access can get their content through to consumers.

A democracy requires an informed citizenry with access to information from many points of view and the opportunity exchange ideas with others through civic engagement. Publicly supported institutions such as libraries, universities, and K-12 schools provide equal access to the members of their communities. If a portion of library users have limited or lesser access, their rights to participate in democracy are diminished; and the foundation of the nation’s democracy is undermined."

Yesterday, 21 November 2017, the American Library Association (ALA) released a statement about the FCC proposed order to end net neutrality:


Here is a link to an article from the November 21st Guardian - America is about to kill the open internet - and towns like this will pay the price


and another link to the November 21 New York Times - F.C.C. Plans Net Neutrality Repeal in a Victory for Telecoms


This is an interesting article from the November 21 Washington Examiner - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange warns Trump that full net neutrality repeal could inhibit tweets


and finally this insightful link to a November 21 ABC News article - FCC looks to repeal Obama-era net neutrality rules


We urge you to inform yourself as much as you can about all the factors in this issue. Our future as a vibrant, open democracy with unfettered access to information is at stake.



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What do you see in your library today? #in #fb

The acts of looking and seeing are not the same.

Look around your library space today.

Really look.

See anything you like or wish were different? 

Can you say why?


Are you trying to figure out how to optimize your library space; plan an addition or a
new building? 

One of the first activities you need to do and one you will enjoy is how well your spaces function. Start
with small things and work up to more complex issues. 

Small but important thing:

Today, watch how the sunlight moves through your spaces and how your staff and patrons
react (or not!) to the heat of the sun. You also want to note how people use different types of artificial lighting.

Take photos or videos, of the lighting in your library spaces at different times of the day
and night. Take notes. Keep them, you will need them later.


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Plan22Archibrairans Presenting at ALA Annual Convention 2018 in New Orleans #alaac18 #fbp22 #in


We are thrilled to report that we will be presenting our program Communicate Effectively with Your Library Building Design Professionals – Achieve the Library You Need in June at ALA18 in New Orleans.

Whether you are preparing the ground work for an addition or new library building project, our program will help you clarify and document the needs of your community users and library staff so that you can direct your designer to provide you with the library design you need.

The Schedule of Sessions will be announced 8 November, 2017. Follow ALA Annual on Twitter

We will be posting to our social media sites throughout the NOLA convention. PLAN22 Archibrarians on Linkedin  |   PLAN22Archibrians on Tumblr  | PLAN22 (plan22) on Pinterest  | @2PLAN22 on Twitter  | plan22archibrarians on Instagram  |  PLAN22 Archibrarians on Wordpress

Laissez les bons temps rouler!


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NEWS FLASH! New York Times report on Joanne Oppenheim's lively, historic children's book, “The Knish War on Rivington Street" @JoanneOppenheimAuthor #FB #in

We couldn't be more happy for Joanne who in real life embodies the sage advice, "never give up"
and "if you want something done, do it yourself."! CONGRATULATIONS!

From The New York Times' 'Front Burner'

by Florence Farbicant: "Children’s
Book Details the Knish War of 1916"

“ 'The Knish War on Rivington Street' is an illustrated book that tells the story of two rival knish sellers on the Lower East Side."

Bet ya can't wait to see who wins!

Read Ms. Fabricant's summary here:

Mazel tov Joanne!

Link to the author's FB page here: http://joanneoppenheim.com/


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Stay Calm and Read On | UK #LibrariesWeek Roundup - Libraries Taskforce, Julia Chandler | @janholmquist #FB #in

Jan Holmquist - (Global librarian: Because libraries make communities smarter.) Shares this report by Julia Chandler - Libraries Taskforce highlighting the exciting news and great visuals from the second week in October during the UK's Libraries Week


ScrnGrbCred: Jan Holmquist Newsletter

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ALA Action / Advocacy Alert: E-rate | Category 2 [C2] Funding @ALALibrary #in #fb @FCC @AjitPaiFCC @GOrcls


2017 Oct ALA FCC
ScrnGrb | ALA Email


The following text is taken directly from today's Email from [email protected]

It bears repeating.

In 2016, libraries requested more than $50 million for C2 through the E-rate program

At the end of September (2017),

the FCC launched a Public Notice asking for input about Category 2 (C2) funding.

Specifically, they want to know whether libraries are using their allotted budgets and if it meets their needs. While we know there are many reasons why libraries do or do not request funding for C2, what we want to make crystal clear to the FCC is that having funds available is critical for libraries, ensuring they can maintain and upgrade their WiFi connectivity.

The deadline to submit comments is October 23, 2017 and we're calling on you to tell the FCC libraries need secure funding for E-rate.

Tell the FCC how much your patrons depend on the library to connect.

How to submit a comment:

  • Format your response as a PDF document. Don't forget to use your library's letterhead!
  • Go to https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filings
  • For the Proceeding Number, enter the following proceeding numbers: 13-184
  • Complete the rest of the information on the form.
  • Upload your comments at the bottom of the form.
  • Not sure what to write? Use this template (pdf) to tell the FCC how your patrons depend on the library to connect to the internet. We encourage you to edit the template to add specifics that are important to your library and your community. Does your library offer special programs that depend in WiFi? Do you know a patron comes in to use your WiFi to look for jobs or have you seen a student doing homework on a tablet? These stories and examples are critical for the FCC to know about!

    For more information about the E-rate program, visit the FCC website or District Dispatch.

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Tra La Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #BannedBooksWeek @oif @wearealsc #DavPilkey @KPekoll #fb #in #standforthebanned

The reader is fabulous.

Her skills remarkable.

Her performance abilities ripe for training


her voice... well, make sure you go all the way to the end.

Click on the video insert below to view a reading for Banned Books Week; impressed and delighted will you be!

Thank you Bria! (apologies if I spelled your beautiful name incorrectly)




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Boy Steals Book. Librarian encourages him to read another. #in #fb @NPR @goodreads

Treasure of PsntVlly

Frank Yerby wrote The Treasure of Pleasant Valley.

Mr. Yerby was "born in Augusta, Georgia to Rufus Garvin Yerby, an African American, and Wilhelmina Smythe, who was caucasian. He graduated from Haines Normal Institute in Augusta and graduated from Paine College in 1937. Thereafter, Yerby enrolled in Fisk University where he received his Master's degree in 1938. In 1939, Yerby entered the University of Chicago to work toward his doctorate but later left the university. Yerby taught briefly at Florida A&M University and at Southern University in Baton Rouge.

Frank Yerby rose to fame as a writer of popular fiction tinged with a distinctive southern flavor. In 1946 he became the first African-American to publish a best-seller with The Foxes of Harrow. That same year he also became the first African-American to have a book purchased for screen adaptation by a Hollywood studio, when 20th Century Fox optioned Foxes. Ultimately the book became a 1947 Oscar-nominated film starring Rex Harrison and Maureen O'Hara. Yerby was originally noted for writing romance novels set in the Antebellum South. In mid-century he embarked on a series of best-selling novels ranging from the Athens of Pericles to Europe in the Dark Ages. Yerby took considerable pains in research, and often footnoted his historical novels. In all he wrote 33 novels." (goodreads.com)

Why am I telling you this? Because The Treasure of Pleasant Valley changed at least one American's life; because he stole it from his school library.

Then he returned it. On the shelf beside his book, he saw another Yerby novel. He was struck by the reading bug and unbeknownst to him, his school's librarian, Mildred Grady, was his first supporter. He went on to attend law school, became a judge and retired as an appellate judge of the Arkansas Court of Appeals. His name is Olly Neal of Little rock, Arkansas.

The story Boy Lifts Book; Librarian Changes Boy's Life (NPR: Story Corps. October 2, 2009, broadcast on the Morning Edition) is a small story about one boy and his first book. It is simple and profound. It is as large as the history of the written word and those that guard it and it makes clear the power of the book and the integral role librarians occupy in our culture.

Restore your belief that books have power and librarians are the superheros of our society.

Judge O'Neal - Dghtr KaramaRead the Transcript here. (it will open in a new window)

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What do your library users really want? @PrinchApp @OverDriveLibs

2017_princh.com_4 UsersWant
from princh.com

We've heard this in various versions especially this past half year when Federal Funding for libraries in America is under attack. This article (click on the graphic above) articulates 4 core concerns of library users that are well worth reviewing.

  1. A Good Range of Books - including free access to various ebooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and newspapers!
  2. Longer Opening Hours -after work/school or during the weekend.
  3. Core Library Service for Free - access to information but also to the library’s facility (use entices new library patrons)
  4. Help from Knowledgeable Librarians - representing the human Google of your local community. You have THAT covered right?

2017_pinch.com_NYPL VId Human GoogleClick on this image to open the beautifully produced vid in a separate window.

2017_pinch.com_Libby and Ereaders




I note that Libby, the Overdrive App is referenced in this Danish article. @OverdriveLibs



Part Two of the princh.com article, "5 other services users wish to find in a library (and how libraries offer them)"  can be read here: http://bit.ly/2ujOQOv

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Open Email to FCC Commissioners @AjitPaiFCC @MClyburnFCC @mikeofcc @GOrcls @fightfortheftr @ battleforthenet #netneutrality #battleforthenet

Net-neutrality"I am the Executive Director of the Ramapo Catskill Library System a cooperative system that provides services to 47 independent member public libraries in New York State.

Public libraries are dedicated to protecting intellectual freedom and providing access to all to the record of human creation. Our democracy is founded on the principle of "Government by the people, for the people . . ." which requires an educated electorate. All people must have open and unfettered access to information. We are fortunate in this nation to have this right protected in the Constitution - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Net Neutrality is the First Amendment of the digital realm. Any action that would abridge digital access would disenfranchise the people of the United States. I do not want ISPs to have the power to block websites, slow them down, give some sites an advantage over others, or split the Internet into "fast lanes" for those who can afford to pay and "slow lanes" for those who unable to pay. Public Libraries, schools and not-for-profits depend on open and equitable access to the Internet.

Imagine a world where you pick up the telephone to make a call and get a recording stating "based on your account type your call is the 17th call in line to be connected." Eliminating Net Neutrality or if you prefer "packet equality" would setup just such a system for digital content access.

The Internet is a telecommunication system no different than the telephone system in place today; as such it should be regulated in the same way.

Help us protect innovation and our democratic way of life protect Net Neutrality!"

Urgent1 AND ...For those of you following along, you can go to GOFCCYOURSELF.COM it TAKES YOU DIRECTLY TO THE ECFS Proceedings Results Page  - hover over and click on 17-108 - for the comments on the Bill cynically titled as follows-

Restoring Internet Freedom
Released Date: 05/23/2017
"Description: Proposes to restore the Internet to a light-touch regulatory framework by classifying broadband Internet access service as an information service and seeks comment on the existing rules governing Internet service providers' practices"

See 6,831,286 comments in ECFS Proceedings Results


ALSO: Here are some numbers for you:

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554

Cred: Change.org, battleforthenet.com,fightforthefuture.org, Thank you John Oliver

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Boston Funds Library Growth with $102M @BPLBoston @BPLFoundation

Great news for the citizens of Boston. 

Major funding for BPLibrary infrastructure supports the community well through the 21st Century. Boston Librarians
know about the role the Library Commons plays to foster strong community ties in an increasingly polarized America and their user numbers are proof.

“Users are really embracing (library) spaces that have a higher focus on gathering space,” (BPLF Pres.)
Leonard said. “We know many of our branches are the thriving civic heart of the community.

Many of the changes are geared at turning the libraries into community hubs offering programming such as yoga, workshops
and book clubs."

"(Boston) Mayor Martin J. Walsh pointed out the upgrades come as more people than ever are visiting local libraries,
saying: “We’ve seen the number of library users increase both in the district branches and in the main library over the last couple of years. There is a resurgence of people using our local libraries again.”

Here's the link to the full story:

Related: Boston Public Library Foundation Announces a New Executive Director

Cred: bostonherald.com


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100,000 Banned Books, Conceptual Artist Minujín and a Parthenon Replica @documenta_14

This has just got to be the coolest piece of art this year and timely - as we enter a perilous time when democratic freedoms are under outright

"Argentinian conceptual artist Marta
Minujín has just installed The Parthenon of Books in Kassel, Germany as part of
the Documenta 14 art festival. Created from 100,000 banned books, this architectural
replica of the Parthenon in Athens is a work in progress, with the public being asked to continue bringing volumes with them when visiting the exhibition."

"The Parthenon of Books sits on a space where 2,000 books were burned by the Nazis
as part of the so-called Action against the Un-German Spirit. It's a stark reminder that the written word has consistently been used in actions of censorship throughout history."


Here's the link to Documenta 14:

ScrnGrbCrd: mymodernmet.com


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Ontario Boosts Funding for Technology in Libraries @ONLibraryAssoc ‏@ExploreON @EMcMahonMPP @BurlingtonPL @SOLS

News from Ontario, Canada: WE SUPPORT PUBLIC LIBRARIES  The people of Canada's most heavily populated province are living up to these words, "Investing in Ontario's public libraries is part of our plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives."

ONFunds PL 2017 release quote"Ontario is investing $3 million through the Improving Library Digital Services fund and will support up to 307 libraries and library organizations across the province. This includes $1 million for rural, remote and First Nation public libraries through Budget Talks."

This is the press release from the office of the Hon. Eleanor McMahon Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport , MPP (Member of the Provincial Parliament) for Burlington (Ontario):  http://bit.ly/2tTA1Of


The initiative will support funding for "access to technology, digital services and training opportunities at public libraries in towns, cities and Indigenous communities across the province."


Ontario is the most populated province in Canada with 38.3% of the country's people mainly gathered along the border with the United States. Canada has only 11.2% of the population of the United States of America but it is clear that Canadians' 'Community Intelligence Factor' is more in tune with their citizen's needs.


2016_Canada_Pop_Pie.svgLiving south of the 49th, we have this year witnessed the erosion of trust in the Media; shortsighted slashes to funding for libraries at the Federal level (see this article in ALA News,23May'17); imprudent stagnation of funding to libraries at State levels and ignorance of the essential role of Information Literacy. We are proud that the people in Ontario gave voice to their needs so that they can take their place as leaders in our world economy and participate in global stewardship.

 The Ministry site also provides a complete list, with live links, to all the libraries in Ontario, check them out there are some fantastic things going on in Ontario and Canada-wide in Your Library.

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We Registered @fightfortheftr To Fight For Net Neutrality-Have You? @goRCLS @demandprogress @FCC and @EFF

from: @demandprogress



NetNeut DayAction
from: Battle for the Net

Join the movement to STOP FCC enabling the destruction of net neutrality by giving big cable companies control over what we see and do online. This proposed legislation will reverse hard-won and current provisions and allow widespread throttling, blocking, censorship, and extra fees.


On July 12th, the Internet will come together to stop the 'FCC Net Neutrality Reversers'.

The Ramapo Catskill Library System, just north of New York City @goRCLS has registered - you can add your voices at this link: CLICK HERE TO SAVE NET NEUTRALITY.   RCLS has informed Fight for the Future and Battle for the Net about the extent of RCLS Library System fiber optics linked network and its connection to the statewide library organization, the services it provides over the net and the interdependence of the libraries and their users.

The American Library Association (ALA) condemns in the strongest possible language the FCC vote to undermine net neutrality protections and vows to defend open internet. READ THE ALA Press Release HERE.

The repercussions of this proposed REVERSAL of the original concept of an OPEN internet will be seen by future generations as the day we lost ' our internet'. Don't let this happen. NetNeut DayAction_Explntn

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Guggenheim offers Art Books •FREE• online @Guggenheim | @BeckettMufson and @brigitkatz

This short, exciting piece from Beckett Mufson, http://bit.ly/2r91htH at vice.com has put smiles on art lovers' lips at a time when we can all use a little bit more beauty and thoughtfulness in
our lives.

"A veritable art history degree's worth of books digitized by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum are now available for free.", reports Mr. Mufson. How can we NOT take advantage? 

Brigit Katz ( @brigitkatz ) for Smithsonianmag.com reported this story as well, fleshing out the offerings with links to other institutions that are digitizing their collections for on-line sharing.
Read Ms. Katz's piece here: http://bit.ly/2r98hXs

ScrnGrb: vice.com



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@BBCTech Reports @fightfortheftr says Bots using dead people's names to support @FCC deep sixing Net Neutrality

  Net Ntrlty BBCWe made our beliefs clear to the FCC as we are certain, did most of our readers.

So this report, while not surprising in these 'interesting' times, is disconcerting to way the least.

Click here to view the BBC short video piece on Net Neutrality.

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New Yorkers are posting notes on line talking about their libraries #InvestInLibraries @nypl

Investinlibraries NY post it campaignThis is a very cool idea. See the splash page of the NYPL: The New York Public Library



We are so touched by some of these messages. NYPL Post-it


Have you posted yours yet? 

Add your post-it here: Support Public Libraries - #InvestInLibraries

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Net Neutrality, You and Democracy @AjitPaiFCC the @FCC and @EFF ‏@Info_Scientists @ALALibrary

On May 18, 2017 the FCC voted 2 to 1 to start the process of eliminating net neutrality rules and the classification of home and mobile Internet service providers (ISPs) as common carriers under Title II of the Communications Act.

Net neutrality is the equivalent of the First Amendment for the Internet.

Net neutrality is a phrase that is often misunderstood and elicits widely divergent reactions. Without net neutrality ISPs could establish a system of paid prioritization for the processing of data conveyed via the Internet. This approach would discriminate against libraries, schools, not for profits, and small and medium sized businesses which are unable to pay for "priority access." It would also hurt individuals who would be unable to pay the premium for this enhanced access.

Net neutrality is NOT another term for bandwidth. Bandwidth refers to the "volume of information per unit of time that a transmission medium (like an Internet connection) can handle. An Internet connection with a larger bandwidth can move a set amount of data (say, a video file) much faster than an Internet connection with a lower bandwidth." Bandwidth can be compared to plumbing, just as the size of a pipe determines the volume of water that can flow through it in a given time; the greater the bandwidth the more data can be processed. Maintaining net neutrality does not affect an ISPs ability to charge different rates for increased bandwidth. If you have a 75mbps account you will and currently do pay more than someone who has 25mbps account. Bandwidth refers to the "rate of data transfer," while net neutrality refers to the equality of all data transferred, that is, data is processed in the order it is sent.

Internet-speedEverything you do on the Internet involves packets. For example, every Web page that you receive comes as a series of packets, and every e-mail you send leaves as a series of packets. Net neutrality ensures packet equality, that is, all packets are treated equally and transmitted in the order that they were sent. Eliminating net neutrality will create an environment where the packets generated by companies or individuals who pay more will receive preferential transmission.

Imagine if you picked up the telephone to make a call and after dialing the number you heard the following message, "Your call is being processed and based on your account type it is estimated that your call is the 23rd call in line to be connected." This is what it would be like if net neutrality was eliminated.

The Chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai, served as Associate General Counsel at Verizon Communications Inc., between February 2001 and April 2003. Verizon is one of the telecoms that have lobbied for the elimination of net neutrality. Mr. Pai has made many statements recently that net neutrality under the Title II order has diminished broadband investment and stifled innovation. However, the Internet Association (IA) recently released a document titled Preliminary Net Neutrality Investment Findings, which challenges Mr. Pai’s claims. The IA is "the only trade association that exclusively represents leading global internet companies on matters of public policy. The association’s mission is to foster innovation, promote economic growth, and empower people through the free and open internet."

You can read the FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - WC Docket No. 17-108 by downloading a PDF copy.

You can comment on the Proposed Rulemaking by using the Standard Filing Form, which allows you to upload a file with your comments, or you can use the Express Comment Form, which allows you leave a brief comment. In either case you must insert the correct Docket number 17-108 in the first field - Proceeding(s).

As of Sunday, May 21 there were over 1.6 million comments.

Please take the time to let the FCC know that net neutrality is essential for open access to the Internet. Net neutrality is the equivalent of the First Amendment for the Internet.

Here are some additional articles about the importance of net neutrality:

A May 18th article from Ars Technica, a publication founded in 1998 devoted to technology that caters to “alpha geeks” technologists and IT professionals.

The May 17th posting District Dispatch from the ALA Washington Office.
A March 29th posting to District Dispatch.

If you prefer to have your information delivered with a bit of satire here are three links to Last Week Tonight with John Oliver:

1. his original net neutrality segment from June 1, 2014
2. his follow-up piece in response to the recent Proposed Rulemaking from May 7, 1017
3. his web only segment from May 14, 2017

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School Districts Try To Ban The Book ‘Thirteen Reasons Why’ @good @Variety @ALALibrary @netflix

"It’s been discussed on Twitter more than any other show in 2017—and has catalyzed much needed conversations about preventing teen suicide—but school districts across the nation continue to be uncomfortable talking with students about Netflix’s hit series 13 Reasons Why. And thanks to the popularity of the show, some folks are being reminded that they don’t want teenagers to read the book it’s based on, either." See the whole article at the GOOD site here: http://bit.ly/2rokpB8

In Colorado, reports the Day Sentinel http://bit.ly/2rovNgi , Grand Junction, CO, "A School District 51 official ordered school librarians to remove a controversial book from circulation last month, a move that circumvented the district’s traditional process for reviewing such materials and raised concerns about censorship."

And librarians responded: "... cit(ing) the book’s value as the starter to conversations about the difficult topic, and how it helped teachers and students open a line of communication to discuss suicide."

“The novel itself was written as a suicide prevention awareness novel,” a librarian wrote, asking the district to reconsider censoring the award-winning novel."

Perhaps removing this book is a moot point considering this report from Variety: "Aside from its strong fanbase, “13 Reasons Why,” hailing from Paramount TV, is also a critical favorite. Variety‘s Maureen Ryan penned a column praising the series, titled “’13 Reasons Why’ Avoids TV’s Routine Exploitation of Dead Women by Forcing Us to Care.” In her review, she wrote that the show “is simply essential viewing.” http://bit.ly/2rotE46

More on banned books here: http://www.ala.org/bbooks/



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Four Days Until We #SaveIMLS @ALALibraries @go RCLS

Advocacy Alert: #SaveIMLSFour days left to help save federal library funding!Between LSTA and IAL, $213 million in current federal library funding is at risk.[FYI, this is 0.00006 % of the Federal Budget] Send an Email Make a Call Send a Tweet May 19th is the deadline for the Senate "Dear Appropriator" letters to support FY 2018 funding for the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and the Innovative Approaches to Literacy (IAL) program.

Have your Senators signed yet? Find out quickly here: http://bit.ly/2rlZDC8If they haven't signed yet, call, Email or tweet to the links above.Cred: ALA Washington Office. Here's the link to their Legislative Action Center: http://bit.ly/2rm2M4U

ala alert ala17.png

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Great news! National Library Legislative Day Registration Full Up. Washington DC- May 1st and 2nd 2017 @ALALibrary

... from the ALA.org website:

"Due to increased interest in National Library Legislative Day 2017, we have reached capacity on registration. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] or
sign up to participate online.

2017 NLLD Schedule2017 NLLD Issue Briefs (as of 4/21/17) (pdf) "

And this additional news directly from the ALA.org site:

"If you can’t make it to D.C., you can still advocate for libraries by emailing, calling, or Tweeting your representatives as part of Virtual Library Legislative Day (VLLD) from May 1-5. Register now at www.ala.org/united/vlldregistration to
receive an email on May 1 reminding you to take action, along with a link to the livestream from National Library Legislative Day, so you can hear the keynote speaker and the issue briefings live.

The keynote speaker will be Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU National Security Project. Issue briefings will be provided by the staff of the ALA Washington Office."

Here is another way to link to the registration for ALA VLLD:

The New York delegation has record numbers of concerned and outspoken
Library Advocates visiting their federal law makers who are elected to represent them in both Houses.


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On April 21st, for one entire day, the UK generated electricity without coal

It's a start. Not since 1882 has the UK not used coal to generate electricity. 

Energy systems are changing.

The UK is enthusiastically adopting low-carbon electricity production. Despite the current regime in Washington DC, this is a trend that has its own legs, is cost effective and won't stop growing just because someone doesn't 'believe in science'. 

I sourced this from this short read in The Hub at Mitsubishi Electric: http://bit.ly/2oJah4H

There are links to BBC and Financial Times for those who subscribe.

Coal photo : Britannica.com


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National Library Workers Day - Tuesday, 11 April 2017. Recognize your amazing library workers.@alaapa #NLWD17

NLWD2017Article directly quoted from Beatrice Calvin, CDF, Manager, Professional Development at American Library Association. American Library Association - LinkedIn   PhtoBCAlvin

"... know any library workers who should be recognized for the great work they do, their positive outlook, or how the wonderful way they assist patrons? Let’s take the time to show our appreciation for those fantastic library stars!

Consider submitting their names to the ALA-APA Galaxy of Stars as part of National Library Workers Day celebration.

National Library Workers Day (NLWD) is Tuesday, April 11, 2017. It is a day for library staff, users, administrators and Friends groups to recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers.

The ALA-APA helps libraries and individuals prepare to celebrate by featuring a range of creative suggestions on its website. The National Library Workers Day web page encourages friends, patrons, employers and co-workers to “Submit a Star” by providing a brief testimonial about a favorite library employee. Each testimonial (listing first names, library type and city/state location only) will be posted on the NLWD’s Galaxy of Stars page. You may nominate as many library workers as you like.

Has your library celebrated National Library Workers Day in the past? Is your library planning to recognize and honor your library workers this year? Tell us about your plans. Please send your ideas and information to [email protected]. They will be posted in Library Worklife, the official newsletter of the ALA-APA. Be sure to share your celebrations on Twitter, using #NLWD17 and/or post to the NLWD Facebook page.

There’s still time to plan your celebrations to recognize library workers everywhere.

For more information, visit the ALA-APA National Library Workers Day website at: http://ala-apa.org/nlwd/."

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@Cosmopolitan gets down to business on WH Federal Budget cuts to Library Funding

's article (@MrsFridayNext), What Donald Trump Doesn't Understand About Libraries - His proposed budget would eliminate all federal funding for the Institute of Museums and Library Services, in cosmopolitan.com/politics ends with this:

"I wish I could say that Trump is attacking libraries because he knows that the information literacy we exist to create is exactly the skill our electorate needs to shut down his lying, cheating, hate-mongering administration. I wish I had confidence that he thought that hard, or strategically, about any of the terrible policies he’s spent the first 50 days of his presidency advancing. But I don’t."

SHEET Grants"Take a look at this map — built by a librarian, naturally — and you will see how the Institute of Museums and Library Services’ grants have benefited communities all over the country, red state and blue alike." (map credit: Anna E. Kijas,@anna_kijas) Anna Kijas

The percentage of federal funding for libraries is so infinitesimal within the total federal budget, it doesn't show up on a pie chart.

   PieChart 0.00006percent

What is going on in the minds of men who take these actions? I refer you to the beginning of this post. Draw your own conclusions.

 (Bar Chart maker Source: here)

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House library champions release FY18 “Dear Appropriator” letters for LSTA and IAL @ALALibrary DistrictDispatch

Take five minutes to call, email, or Tweet at your Members of Congress help preserve over $210 million in library funding now at risk.

"Your limited-time-only chance to ask for your House Member’s backing for LSTA and IAL begins now.

Where does your Representative stand on supporting FY 2018 library funding? Against the backdrop of the President’s proposal last week to eliminate the Institute for Museum and Library Services and virtually all other library funding sources, their answer this year is more important than ever before.

Every Spring, library champions in Congress ask every Member of the House to sign two, separate “Dear Appropriator” letters directed to the Appropriations Committee: one urging full funding for LSTA (which benefits every kind of library),

... and the second asking the same for the Innovative Approaches to Literacy program. This year, the LSTA support letter is being led by Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ3). The IAL support letter is being jointly led by Reps. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX30), Don Young (R-AK), and Jim McGovern (D-MA2).

The first “Dear Appropriator” letter asks the Committee to fully fund LSTA in FY 2018 and the second does the same for IAL. When large numbers of Members of Congress sign these letters, it sends a strong signal to the House Appropriations Committee to reject requests to eliminate IMLS, and to continue funding for LSTA and IAL at least at current levels.

Members of the House have only until April 3 to let our champions know that they will sign the separate LSTA and IAL “Dear Appropriator” letters now circulating, so there’s no time to lose. Use ALA’s Legislative Action Center today to ask your Member of Congress to sign both the LSTA and IAL letters. Many Members of Congress will only sign such a letter if their constituents ask them to. So it is up to you to help save LSTA and IAL from elimination or significant cuts that could dramatically affect hundreds of libraries and potentially millions of patrons.

Five minutes of your time could help preserve over $210 million in library funding now at risk.

Soon, we will also need you to ask both of your US Senators to sign similar letters not yet circulating in the Senate, but timing is key. In the meantime, today’s the day to ask your Representative in the House for their signature on both the LSTA and IAL “Dear Appropriator” letters that must be signed no later than April 3.

Whether you call, email, tweet or all of the above (which would be great), the message to the friendly office staff of your Senators and Representative is all laid out at the Legislative Action Center and it’s simple:

“Hello, I’m a constituent. Please ask Representative  ________ to sign both the FY 2018 LSTA and IAL ‘Dear Appropriator’ letters circulating for signature before April 3.”

Please, take five minutes to call, email, or Tweet at your Members of Congress  and watch this space throughout the year for more on how you can help preserve IMLS and federal library funding. We need your help this year like never before."

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Service providers could sell browsing histories and app usage histories - @guardian @EFF

We are about to have our lives wrested from us and most internet users don't even know it is so dangerous or why this proposed reversal is so nefarious.

GaurdianBrwsnghstryFrom The Guardian: "US House committee is set to vote today on whether to kill privacy rules that would prevent internet service providers (ISPs) from selling users’ web browsing histories and app usage histories to advertisers. Planned protections, proposed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that would have forced ISPs to get people’s consent before hawking their data – are now at risk."

the article continues...

"The new rules – dubbed the Broadband Consumer Privacy Proposal – would require broadband providers to get permission from subscribers before collecting and selling this data. Currently broadband providers can track users unless individuals opt out. The new rules were due to come into play as early as December 2017.

'Getting these rules was probably the biggest win in consumer privacy in years. If the repeal succeeds it would be pretty bad,' said Jeremy Gillula, from the Electronic Frontier Foundation."

The Guardian article (read the whole article here) ends with cautionary advice that we ignore at our privacy peril - and the 'fix' is clunky.

So how can users protect their browsing history?

You need to encrypt all your internet traffic. Some websites (like the Guardian) are already encrypted – marked out with HTTPS at the beginning of the URL – but ISPs would still be able to see which websites you have visited, just not the individual pages.

To mask all of your browsing behavior you can use a VPN service (which incurs a subscription cost) or try using Tor.

Good luck to us all.

ScrnGrbCred: the Guardian

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When a post card isn't enough, Library Advocacy never sleeps @ALALibrary @insidehighered

"...the people who use our libraries -- our faculty, our students, our publics ... need
to also own support for libraries.”

The "Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association,
used last week’s biennial national conference to give the roughly 3,500 in attendance a crash course in advocacy..."

Speaking of the current WH budget proposal to slash funding to libraries, “The scary thing is that
this could actually happen if no one does anything,” Keith Michael Fiels, executive director of the ALA, said. “Only a small band of brave individuals stand between this insanity and reality. Who are these brave heroes? They’re us.”

These quotes are taken from this link insidehighered.com, by Carl
Straumsheim, March 27, 2017 To read the entire article click here :

“No one else is, (going to advocate for library funding) ”
Neal, university librarian emeritus at Columbia University, said. “That’s our responsibility.”

“We need to be vocal as a library community at this time,” Neal said. 'Public libraries, school
libraries and higher education libraries are in this together, and therefore if we lose IMLS, we lose LSTA, we lose the literacy funding, that’s a statement about the future of libraries
. We need to own that problem collectively now. We will do the hard
work in the trenches when we’re working on funding for research and funding for work study, but
now is the time to really represent the library community and the things we care about collectively.'”

That work began with postcards. Throughout the conference, attendees were encouraged to fill out postcards
reading “Libraries are a smart investment” in big, bold letters on the front and send them to their representatives. The postcards included a prewritten message on the back:

“Dear [blank]. I’m an academic librarian from the state of [blank]. I’m concerned by President Trump’s
budget proposal to eliminate all of the small but critical federal support for libraries and our users in every community in our state. Here’s why: [Blank]. Today, I am asking you to: [Blank].”

By the end of Thursday, the first full day of the conference, attendees had already filled out the
1,000 postcards that ACRL had provided, forcing a staffer to make a late-night FedEx run to print an additional 1,500.

But avoiding cuts to library funding will take more than postcards, speakers said.

“A bunch of librarians writing postcards to Washington is necessary, but it’s insufficient,” Neal said.
“It’s the people who use our libraries -- our faculty, our students, our publics -- who need to also own support for libraries.”

Here is the link to ALA's info for 2016 National Library Legislative Day, May 1 and 2.




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President’s budget proposal to eliminate federal library funding @ALALibrary

This is straight out of the press release from District Dispatch, @ALALibrary Blog:

2017Wash_NLLDBannerScrnGrb"This morning, President Trump released his budget proposal (now in 2021 - taken down from the WH Site and replaced with a ridiculously titled report: A New Foundation For American GreatnessFiscal Year 2018, that I will not bother to reference now - ('old news' and all.) The Institute of Museum of Library Services (IMLS) is included in the list of independent agencies whose budgets the proposal recommends eliminating. Library funding that comes through other sources such as the Department of Education, the Department of Labor and the National Endowment for the Humanities is also affected. Just how deeply overall federal library funding is impacted is unclear at this point. The Washington Office is working closely with our contacts in the federal government to gather detailed information. We will provide the analysis of the total impact when it is complete and as quickly as possible.

One thing we all know for certain: Real people will be impacted if these budget proposals are carried through.

While we are deeply concerned about the president’s budget proposal, it is not a done deal. As I said in a statement issued this morning,

'The American Library Association will mobilize its members, congressional library champions and the millions upon millions of people we serve in every zip code to keep those ill-advised proposed cuts from becoming a congressional reality.'

There are several actions we can take right now:

  1. Call your Members of Congress  – ask them to publicly oppose wiping out IMLS, and ask them to commit to fighting for federal library funding. (You can find talking points and an email template on the Action Center.)
  2. Share your library’s IMLS story using the #SaveIMLS tag – tell us how IMLS funding supports your local community. If you aren’t sure which IMLS grants your library as received, you can check the searchable database available on the IMLS website.
  3. Sign up to receive our action alerts – we will let you know when and how to take action, and send you talking points and background information.
  4. Register to participate in National Library Legislative Day on May 1-2, either in Washington, D.C., or online.

Timing is key to the Federal budget/appropriations process. More information – along with talking points and scripts – will be forthcoming from the ALA Washington Office, particularly as it pertains to the upcoming advocacy campaign around “Dear Appropriator” letters. Meanwhile, please take the time to subscribe to action alerts and District Dispatch to ensure you receive the latest updates on the budget process.

The president’s budget has made clear that his funding agenda is not ours. It’s time for library professionals and supporters to make our priorities clear to Congress."

Thank you ALA for all you do.

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How do you plan to support libraries during Virtual Library Legislative Day May 1 &2 ?@ALALibrary

2017Wash_NLLD KeyNotesCan't make it to Washington to support your library?

No problem.

Click here:Virtual Library Legislative Day Form

... to fill out this: 2017Wash_NLLD

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America - data helps us understand who we are and why. @kyle_e_walker

EdinUS_MapEducational Attainment in America is an interactive dot-density map designed by these clever folks at the Center for Urban Studies at Texas Christian University showing the US population aged 25 and over by educational attainment.Click on the map anywhere - scroll out or in to focus on y our area of interest.

Bar Chart - America

Data are summarized into five categories organised along the colour spectrum, representing the highest education attained: RED-less than high school; ORANGE-high school or equivalent; YELLOW-some college or associate's degree; GREEN-bachelor's degree; and BLUE-graduate degree.

According to Kyle Walker, Assistant Professor of Geography and Director of the Center for Urban Studies at Texas Christian University. "Data are from  the 2011-2015 American Community Survey Table B15003, distributed by NHGIS. Dot locations are approximate and do not represent the locations of individuals. Also, as the ACS is a survey of the US population, its estimates are subject to a margin of error.

I originally saw this article on line at: BoingBoing

I think it is instructive to compare and contrast the visual representation of the data on the two coasts (I have taken screen shots) compared to the center of the continent. Zoom around this map to find your own areas of interest. EdinUS_MapSF

Bar Chart-San Francisco


Section of Map - Mid Continent
Bar Chart - Mid Continent


Bar Chart - New York


According to the OECD-The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), the US remains in the middle rankings for Science. (click on the images -they pop up larger)PISA Science US


  You can see for yourself the ranking for Maths: PISA_Map MathsCred and ScrnGbs: GitHub - walkerke/education_map: Educational Attainment in America  and PISA - PISA

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Whitepaper: Mozilla cares about Web Literacy @MozLearn

MozillaWebWhitePapLibrarians, parents and teachers, "Get the latest teaching activities (for Web Literacy), tips, and news in your inbox every month. Sign up for the Mozilla Learning Newsletter"...here: https://mzl.la/2mXAhew

Mozilla devotes a great proportion of it's collective intelligence to keeping the Web open, secure and true to its original intent. Its position outlined in 'Web Literacy 2.0' is worth a read: http://bit.ly/29zXspt "This paper captures the evolution of the Mozilla Web Literacy Map to reach and meet the growing number of diverse audiences using the web. The paper represents the thinking, research findings, and next iteration of the Web Literacy Map that embraces 21st Century Skills (21C Skills) as key to leadership development."


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New York State #NLLD17 Coordinator @GOrcls: Register now for Washington May1&2 @ALALibrary

2017-03_NLLDWshtnStand up New Yorkers! National Library Legislative Day (NLLD) is fast approaching and we have work to do. Our voices count.

NLLD is an opportunity for us to learn more about the Administration and its policy related to support for the Library Services and Technology Act ( LSTA), intellectual freedom, privacy, copyright, net neutrality and many other issues that are important to librarians, library users and the general public.

Registration for National Library Legislative Day (NLLD) is open.You can find out more about NLLD by clicking here. For information about the schedule of events click here.

NLLD Briefings take place at The Liaison, you can register here. Here is a link to hotels that are either in Washington DC or in nearby Virginia with ready access to the Metro which comes into Union Station, not far from The Liaison and the legislative office buildings.

As a result of the changes in the Administration, many of the legislative issues are still unknown, however, based on President Trump's Executive Budget, released earlier this week, we know that he has eliminated funding for the IMLS Institute of Museum and Library Services. This is the only federal funding for America's libraries and is critical to New York State. Funding from IMLS  supports the NOVELny program, which makes databases available to all New Yorkers. In addition, IMLS funding supports the operation of the Division of Library Development (DLD). We also have indications that the new Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Ajit Pai intends to end support for net neutrality. Net neutrality is the principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally.

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New Yorkers! Support Library Funding | @GOrcls @NYLA_XD

Libraries are our primary source of unbiased and full access to information.

Librarians help you learn how to make up your own mind about what is true and what is not!

SreenGrab fr Twitter

Jeremy Johannesen, Executive Director of NYLA, urges us all to contact your legislators to support full funding of NYS State Aid for libraries and library systems.

 "WE NEED YOUR HELP TO DEFEND LIBRARY FUNDING - NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT! We are counting on you to ensure the legislature fights for libraries as negotiations take shape."

Even if you have already written to your representative, please follow this link to NYLA's Online Advocacy Center -The Voice of the Library Community, to send this NEW message to your legislators that library funding is NOT NEGOTIABLE.

We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants

Librarians Fight Back. Again.


We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants

ON LINE NOW: PLAN22 Presentation/Workshop & NOTES @ONLibraryAccoc #OLASC

ScrnGrb All in logo OLASC17A shout out to the librarians and trustees who participated in our session and workshop at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference 3 February in Toronto. SCRNgRB_olasc17Title

Our entire presentation and all the notes that accompany our work with you in Toronto are now on the OLA, OLASC17 web site here: PLAN22Archibrarians OLASC17 Presentation NOTES PDF

HOVER OVER THE YELLOW ARROW to see the notes. ScrnGrb OLASC17  PDF arrow

Contact us directly if you have any questions. We are here to help.

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THANK YOU to the organisers, staff and volunteers at OLASC, and especially to Michelle Arbuckle @Citybrarian  and Pamela Sweet who took the time to stay with us after her introduction - we appreciate all the work you do.

We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants

@ALAlibrary @OIF Issues Resolution on Access to Accurate Information

In a press release sent out yesterday the Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) announced a resolution adopted on January 24th by the American Library Association (ALA) Council. The resolution prepared by the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) - Resolution on Access to Accurate Information - addresses the "problems of fake news, personalized news-feeds, web search algorithms and the delay of Freedom of Information Act requests." 

OIF alaThe Resolution outlines the role of librarians and library workers in helping to raise awareness of these issues and "supports the critical role of librarians and library works in all types of libraries in teaching information literacy skills that enable users to locate information and evaluate its accuracy."

We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants

Excited to present our Sesssion and Workshop @ONLibraryAssoc #OLASC in Toronto this Friday 3 February

OLASupCon17 LogoLink to Session/Workshop Information

We are look forward to meeting librarians and trustees at the @ONLibraryAssoc Ontario Library Association Super Conference #OLASC in Toronto this Friday, 3 February.

SCRNgRB_olasc17Slide9Our Session and Workshop  - "Communicate Effectively with Design Professionals" - will introduce and develop the concept of the the Library Building Program Document as a comprehensive method for organizing your library’s requirements and communicating them to library users, board, city or municipal councils and the architect.

We believe that the librarian is the person who should lead the Library Building Project and we do everything we can to support you with tools to help you systematically navigate your Library Building Project. There is no need to reinvent the wheel or feel unsupported.

We help librarians lead the pre-planning phase of the library building project and offer and explain the use of methods and strategies to use throughout the design development phase that help you retain control of your design into the acceptance of construction drawings.

So that you are familiar with the visual language that designers use, we will introduce you to adjacency charts; bubble diagrams; construction drawing schedules and Room Data Sheets . We will workshop three of these with exercises so that all our attendees can get hands on experience of the work involved and gain some experience for when you begin the design conversation with your architect.


We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants

Fake News or Genuine?Librarians Help Identify Information Sources |@forbes

Pick up a communication device and ask your community's ‎Librarian to source that news you just read on line. You're tax dollars have already paid for the service.

Librarians are uniquely positioned to help every person in America check the source of the information they read on line or ... anywhere!

Librarians must be more proactive and vocal in educating their service area citizens about what Librarians really do and to what they devote their lives.

Communities must be more informed, made aware, reminded, of the pivotal role their local librarian plays in teaching Information Literacy, what it is and now more than ever, why it is an absolutely essential component of a functioning Democracy.

This article from Forbes.com by K. Leetaru, 11Dec.'16, is a good starting point to energize you and your library staff... "...fake news exists because as a society we have failed to teach our citizens data and information literacy... to truly solve the issue of “fake news” we must blend technological assistance with teaching our citizens to be data literate consumers of the world around them." 

Read the entire Forbes article here :

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We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants