Librarians be inspired. Architect Carina Guedes, teaches women that they can design their own houses @WACommunity #in #fb @solslib @GOrcls
Happy New Year from Plan22Archibrarians #in #fb

Eleanor Roosevelt - we need you and our wisdom now: exerpt from 'Dear Miss Breed' by @JFOppenheim, @PacificAviation #in #fb #pearlharbor

Dear MBreedWe are blessed with the friendship of a good woman - who is also an accomplished author - Joanne Oppenheim of 'Dear Miss Breed' and 'The Knish War on Rivington Street' fame.

She and I share a passion for all things Eleanor Roosevelt and hold in high esteem E.R.'s life example. We also understand, more with each passing day, the import and effect of her words in the context of today's global political and cultural mileau.

Today, on her site, Joanne posted a 'A Clipping from Dear Miss Breed's Papers'  - I agree, we need Eleanor and her fearless courage today.

This is a screen grab from Joanne's site of E.R.'s clipping, shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, 7 Dec., 1941, from My Day, a Syndicated newspaper column by Eleanor Roosevelt 1935 through 1962:

MissBreed JOsSite

This is the text:

“… the great mass of our people, stemming from these various national ties, must not feel that they have suddenly ceased to be Americans.

 “This is, perhaps, the greatest test this country has ever met.  Perhaps it is the test which is going to show whether the United States can furnish a pattern for the rest of the world for the future.  Our citizens come from all the nations of the world.  Some of us have said from time to time, that we were the only proof that different nationalities could live together in peace and understanding, each bringing his own contribution, different though it may be, to the final unity which is the United States…Perhaps, on us today, lies the obligation to prove that such a vision may be a practical possibility. 

 “If we can not meet the challenge of fairness to our citizens of every nationality, of really believing in the Bill of Rights and making it a reality for all loyal American citizens, regardless of race, creed or color; if we can not keep in check anti-Semitism, anti-racial feelings as well as anti-religious feelings, then we shall have removed from the world, the one real hope for the future on which all humanity must now rely.”                                               -E.R.

You can visit Ms. Oppenheim's site to read the post yourself here.

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