Plan22Archibrairans Presenting at ALA Annual Convention 2018 in New Orleans #alaac18 #fbp22 #in
ALA strenuously opposes FCC proposed order on net neutrality @AjitPaiFCC @ALALibrary @NYLA_1890 @GOrcls #fb #in @aclu #netneutrality @battleforthenet

What do you see in your library today? #in #fb

The acts of looking and seeing are not the same.

Look around your library space today.

Really look.

See anything you like or wish were different? 

Can you say why?


Are you trying to figure out how to optimize your library space; plan an addition or a
new building? 

One of the first activities you need to do and one you will enjoy is how well your spaces function. Start
with small things and work up to more complex issues. 

Small but important thing:

Today, watch how the sunlight moves through your spaces and how your staff and patrons
react (or not!) to the heat of the sun. You also want to note how people use different types of artificial lighting.

Take photos or videos, of the lighting in your library spaces at different times of the day
and night. Take notes. Keep them, you will need them later.


We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants
