@AF_Academy Lt. Gen. Jay B. Silveria, Superintendent - We will respect each other. #fb #in @2plan22
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ALA Action / Advocacy Alert: E-rate | Category 2 [C2] Funding @ALALibrary #in #fb @FCC @AjitPaiFCC @GOrcls


2017 Oct ALA FCC
ScrnGrb | ALA Email


The following text is taken directly from today's Email from [email protected]

It bears repeating.

In 2016, libraries requested more than $50 million for C2 through the E-rate program

At the end of September (2017),

the FCC launched a Public Notice asking for input about Category 2 (C2) funding.

Specifically, they want to know whether libraries are using their allotted budgets and if it meets their needs. While we know there are many reasons why libraries do or do not request funding for C2, what we want to make crystal clear to the FCC is that having funds available is critical for libraries, ensuring they can maintain and upgrade their WiFi connectivity.

The deadline to submit comments is October 23, 2017 and we're calling on you to tell the FCC libraries need secure funding for E-rate.

Tell the FCC how much your patrons depend on the library to connect.

How to submit a comment:

  • Format your response as a PDF document. Don't forget to use your library's letterhead!
  • Go to https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filings
  • For the Proceeding Number, enter the following proceeding numbers: 13-184
  • Complete the rest of the information on the form.
  • Upload your comments at the bottom of the form.
  • Not sure what to write? Use this template (pdf) to tell the FCC how your patrons depend on the library to connect to the internet. We encourage you to edit the template to add specifics that are important to your library and your community. Does your library offer special programs that depend in WiFi? Do you know a patron comes in to use your WiFi to look for jobs or have you seen a student doing homework on a tablet? These stories and examples are critical for the FCC to know about!

    For more information about the E-rate program, visit the FCC website or District Dispatch.

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