House library champions release FY18 “Dear Appropriator” letters for LSTA and IAL @ALALibrary DistrictDispatch
National Library Workers Day - Tuesday, 11 April 2017. Recognize your amazing library workers.@alaapa #NLWD17

@Cosmopolitan gets down to business on WH Federal Budget cuts to Library Funding

's article (@MrsFridayNext), What Donald Trump Doesn't Understand About Libraries - His proposed budget would eliminate all federal funding for the Institute of Museums and Library Services, in ends with this:

"I wish I could say that Trump is attacking libraries because he knows that the information literacy we exist to create is exactly the skill our electorate needs to shut down his lying, cheating, hate-mongering administration. I wish I had confidence that he thought that hard, or strategically, about any of the terrible policies he’s spent the first 50 days of his presidency advancing. But I don’t."

SHEET Grants"Take a look at this map — built by a librarian, naturally — and you will see how the Institute of Museums and Library Services’ grants have benefited communities all over the country, red state and blue alike." (map credit: Anna E. Kijas,@anna_kijas) Anna Kijas

The percentage of federal funding for libraries is so infinitesimal within the total federal budget, it doesn't show up on a pie chart.

   PieChart 0.00006percent

What is going on in the minds of men who take these actions? I refer you to the beginning of this post. Draw your own conclusions.

 (Bar Chart maker Source: here)

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