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7 entries from November 2016

@everylibrary Michigan lawyers argue "literacy is not a legal right"

No words can politely express how we feel about this story.

Perhaps the lawyers for Michigan's Gov. Rick Snyder and Gov. Snyder himself really are hoping that there will be no one who is even able to read this article:

ScrnDrbCred: fox2detroit


We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants

Pilot Project: Basic Income for those living below the poverty line, Ontario, Canada| @inhabitat

Ontario's government is trying something different. So should we.

Architects have always honored and celebrated those in their ranks who successfully land Big Splashy Projects bringing awards and lots of money into their firms. This is a necessary part of 'the business'; payrolls have to be met.

Dependence on these sexy, press-grabbing jobs cannot remain the only impetus we have to seek out projects and make a good living to support our employees and families.

Our knowledge and passions can focus on projects that lift up and sustain our society - our democracy. And our cities and towns must support our efforts to offer good, solid and beautiful designs to 'ordinary people'.

Libraries are only one of the cornerstones of this fragile, mutable social concept we call democracy. Affordable, well designed, truly livable housing is another. 

Here is Inhabitat's reporting on Ontario's proposal:

Architects and those who pay them play an essential role in developing beautiful, sustainable, mutable solutions to challenges that accompany Ontario's forward thinking plan.‎ 

Ontario Government's Discussion Paper brought forward by Hugo Segal, here:

Let us hope that in this newly minted world of protectionism, fear of 'the other' and blatant celebration of greed that kudos, recognition and good money can come to those architects who work for the pure pleasure of knowing they have pushed the boundaries of civil discourse through delightful, use able and thoughtful housing design. 

ScrnGrbCrd: Inhabititat.com‎



We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants

The Wild State of Maurice Sendak's Estate

The two groups of executors, the estate and the Rosenbaum Museum, who have overlapping responsibilities to settle Maurice Sendak's estate are unable to reach an agreement two and a half years after his death. 

Mr. Sendak had a long standing relationship with ‎the Rosenbach Museum and Library of the Free Library of Philadelphia, loaning them books in his collection and the museum featured over 70 exhibitions of his work over decades.

Mr. Sendak's estate claims that the collection he had loaned to the Rosenbach is just that, a loan. The Museum disagrees. 

The courts became involved and "‎...after years of bickering, the probate court ordered that most of the books be returned to the estate...88 of the contested books, including the Potter (Beatrix) books, will stay at the Rosenbach, while 252 will go to the foundation and the estate." (http://bit.ly/2fAKkmA‎)

Read more here at the Philly.com: http://bit.ly/2fCoN9M

However this unfolds, it's certainly going to be a Wild story to add to Mr. Sendak's legacy.

‎Explore the Rosenbach site: https://www.rosenbach.org/

ScrnGrbCrd: Smithsonian.com; Philly.com



We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants

Continued... Library-Apartments in NYC|@atlasobscura/@cbcradio

This time it's the Fort Washington branch of the NYPublicLibrary that has the attention of writer, Sarah Laskow at Atlas Obscura and Brent Bambury at CBC Radio.

These forgotten apartments where people lived with their families and in most cases, took care of the fabulous libraries, have come back into focus. ‎Librarians are beginning to imagine a new purpose for these neglected spaces. 


‎ScrnGrbCred: AltasObscura.com, CBC.ca/radio




We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants

Confirmation by digital enhancement: Henry Vlll's lavishly illustrated Aberdeen Bestiary was a teaching text|University of Aberdeen

You have got to see this!
Complete folio, full text, digitized photos of 800 year old The Aberdeen Bestiary - now on line. http://linkis.com/www.abdn.ac.uk/news/taYRx

Examine it to your heart's content, up close and closer!

ScrnGrbCred: University of Aberdeen News



We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants

US Election and Geography: The mysterious blue curve explained|@RGS_IBG Geographical

I have no idea why 'Geography ' is resonating with me lately. But when I read items like this, I don't care why, I just delight in how much sense it all makes.‎ 

I love how everything fits together; how world scale events affect change in ways none of us could ever foresee.
This is so cool.  

ScreenGrabCred: Geographical.co.uk‎/ Mapping. By Chris Fitch.

We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants

This is happening: Ukrainian Library Director on Trial in Moscow for Collection Choices|@RadioFreeEurop

Informed Electorate.
Use it.
Or lose it.‎

Cred: RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty


We help you achieve the library you need. Architectural programming / Presentations and Workshops / Strategic Planning help / Guidance and Coaching / Architectural Consultants