Understand the privacy risks associated with public access computing
Thursday, 02 May 2013
So many of us are completely unaware of the easy-to-use strategies that will help guard our personal information from theft or inadvertent disclosure.
A new tip sheet, from ALA -" Public Computers and Wi-Fi Privacy, helps individuals understand the privacy risks associated with public access computing and outlines how they can protect their privacy while using public computers and public networks. The tip sheet is available here at chooseprivacyweek.org as a free, downloadable PDF file."
Here are the main tips you should be aware of and practice in your day to day life on line in public places and while using Wi-Fi:
- Delete your browsing history
- Log out
- Do not enable "remember me" on a public computer
- Look for the 's". https:// and shttp:// sites make sure your information is secure. An http:// site is NOT secure.
- Do not conduct personal transactions that request personal and sensitive information (bank account numbers; home address; SIN etc.) on Wi-Fi hotspots or public computers.
- If you have any doubt about your ability to guard your privacy on line anywhere and in your library - ask your Librarian!
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