DIY in your Library? Shakin' it up in Indianaoplis
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Once more with gusto! Free Access to OED all week- National Library Week 14 - 20th April

Caroline-kennedy-with-schoo-librarian-craig-seasholesWe are celebrating National Library Week 14 - 20th of April but you can start now.






Interesting to note that you can  "Celebrate National Library Week, 14-20 April 2013, with free access to two of Oxford’s most popular online products.

Starting 14 April and running through 20 April, everyone in North and South America will have free access to the OED and Oxford Reference. Free access will be through a username and password announced here on the OUPblog on 14 April. Everyone will have access through the same login, which will last until the end of the week.  Reported in the Oxford University Press Blog.

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