Library Systems roles and value explained
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Library Systems are poster children!
Librarians have always known how to work together collectively to deliver high quality service to the maximum number of people for the least amount of money. Library Systems help librarians achieve those lofty goals every day, 24/7.
Library Systems in New York, and in other states and provinces are the support system to librarians and library users. People who work for a Library System often do so in the background to provide all manner of services from inter library loans; cataloging and automated on line catalogs; trustee training and help with grant applications and processing funds from state aid. Library systems help our librarians provide the services to a public who expects excellence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on line and in the library.
This video was taken 29 November 2011 in Albany, NY. Play time is 25m 45sec.
It is an excerpt from a Public Hearing: Funding Public Libraries in New York State under the New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Libraries & Education Technology, Chair, Assemblyman, Bob Reilly.
The speakers are, in order of appearance: Robert Hubsher, Executive Director of the Ramapo Catskill Library System (RCLS), Middletown, NY RCLS Facts ; Marilyn McIntosh, Director/Librarian, Monroe Free Library, Monroe, NY MONROE and James Mahoney, Director/Librarian, Nyack Library, Nyack, NY The Nyack Library| Welcome .