there's a whole world in there - gaming, can we play and have a future too?
Monday, 25 July 2011
There are three mags that fuel my mind, one I haven't cracked open in decades - Popular Mechanics - but I've substituted well I think, with Scientific America, Science News and WIRED.
I know no essentially nothing about gameing except that many, many people 'play' and learn through participating in games together and individually on and off line. I've been reading an article in WIRED - August 2011 pg. 097, about Jason Rohrer's 'Chain World' that describes how people are pushing at the edges of the definition of what gaming is.
But I do know a potential trend when I spot it and I think that library use through gaming is something that is worth considering as a very real possibility. At the very least it is a notion that is being carefully and seriously considered by some librarians as a way to truly engage a generation who carry their lives on a USB flash and a cell phone. A group of people at the University of Huddersfield in the UK are determined to find out how to capture the imaginations of a highly imaginative generation.
Nod to Locan Dempsey for: Gamification: services and libraries - Lorcan Dempsey's Weblog
Case in point...LEMON TREE a project out of University of Huddersfield in the UK
Here's that text so you can read it easily:
"Lemon Tree seeks to increase the use of library resources through a social, game based e-learning platform. Users will register with the system and be able to earn points and rewards for interacting with library resources, such as leaving comments and reviews of library books. Integration with other social networks such as Twitter and Facebook will be built into the system."
To see your potential library future demographic look here: Game Developers Conference | February 28-March 4, 2011 | Moscone Convention Center | San Francisco, California.